Join us in our efforts to turn Type 1 into Type None! Through JDRF's signature Fund A Cure program you can have a direct impact on Type 1 Diabetes research! 

The Join Me campaign allows you to raise much needed funds via email, Facebook, Twitter and any other electronic method you can think of. Simply include the link to your customized fundraising page and explain why curing diabetes is important to you. Include your story, pictures, videos and with the click of a button you are making a difference!

Click here to join!

JDRF (formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) is the world’s leading funder of type 1 diabetes research. We are fully devoted to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes and along the way improving the quality of life for all those suffering from this disease and its life-threatening complications.

 JDRF has funded more type 1 research than any other organization other than the National Institute of Health.  In Northern California alone, we are currently funding more than $13M dollars in local research through our partners at UC Davis, UCSF, UC Berkeley, and Stanford.

While we have made great strides in our research, we still have a long way to go which makes our Fund A Cure program, held through our annual Gala, so
vitally important to reaching our goal.